Social Movements Research Network Pre-Conference

Instituto de Ciências Sociais (Universidade de Lisboa), Lisbon, Portugal
June 27-28, 2022

This pre-conference focuses on collective struggles around housing issues, which we understand in broad terms as: “housing justice” (the effective possibility of securing decent, safe, and adequate housing), “housing policy” (the set of laws and programs that regulate and shape the housing regime and housing (in)justice), and “intersections” between housing and other forms of domination (mediated by class, race, gender, and age) and that can connect with other, parallel crises (climate change, austerity, etc.).

We thus call for papers focusing on one of these three themes, from an empirical and theoretical point of view:

1) Knowledge and expertise in housing struggles

2) Interactions between housing movements and housing policy

3) Housing and the climate crisis

Abstracts should be no more than 500 words long, in English, and be as specific as possible (referring to the questions outlined above, hypotheses, methods, data, etc.). Proposals should also include the status and affiliation of all authors.

Full Call fo Papers

Abstract deadline: 15th of January 2022
Decision: 15th of February 2022
Submission of Full Paper: 1st June 2022

Please send your abstracts to this address: