Who are we?

Magda Nico (CIES-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa), Magda.Nico@iscte-iul.pt | Cláudia Casimiro (CIEG, ISCSP-ULisboa), ccasimiro@iscsp.ulisboa.pt | Vanessa Cunha (ICS- ULisboa), vanessa.cunha@ics.ulisboa.pt

Contact: familias@aps.pt

To discover the configurations of contemporary identity processes, in their confrontations and complexity, is the goal of the XI Portuguese Congress of Sociology, titled Heated identities: differences, belonging, and populisms in an effervescent world, which will be held in Lisbon, June 29 through July 1, 2020, under the local organization of ESPP/ISCTE-IUL and ICS-ULisboa.

Submission of abstracts by February 13, 2020! [EXTENDED DEADELINE]

We invite all sociologists, and related researchers and professionals, to send proposals for the summary of research in an academic and non-academic context in response to our Call.

Posters and visual documents such as short films focusing on projects or interventions will be accepted.

Abstracts may be submitted in Portuguese, Spanish, English, or French;

Authors can participate in a maximum of three submissions, but can submit no more than two abstracts as first author (i.e., two submissions as single author; one submission as single author and another as first author of a collective proposal; or two submissions as first author of collective proposals).

The TS Family and Life Course call for papers [here]

Calls from the Thematic Sections/Áreas Congress Call

More information, call for papers and abstracts submission at https://xi-congresso-aps.eventqualia.net/en/2020/home/

Submission of abstracts by February 13, 2020! [EXTENDED DEADELINE]

Connecting Families? Information & Communication Technologies in a Life Course Perspective

A Coordenação da ST Famílias e Curso de Vida divulga a publicação do livro:

Neves, B. B. & Casimiro, C. (Eds.) (2018). Connecting Families? Information & Communication Technologies in a Life Course Perspective. University of Bristol: Policy Press.

Dating Through a Screen. New Technologies and old challenges.

Communication and Culture Research Network: Online relationships roundtable annual meeting

9 de Abril, de 2018 | 18h00 | Auditório B203 do ISCTE-IUL

Veja aqui o cartaz do evento.

Digitising Early Childhood International Conference, 9th – 13th July 2018, Perth, Australia

CALL da Conferência Internacional “Digitising Early Childhood”, acerca da qual poderão obter mais informações aqui,ou seguindo o link: http://www.digitisingearlychildhood.com/

Call for Application: BIGSSS-LIVES Winter School on Life Course | Bremen, March 12-18, 2018, Bremen

Call for Application – BIGSSS-LIVES Winter School on Life Course 2018, https://www.bigsss-bremen.de/about/news/detail?id=100

The National Centres of Competence in Research (NCCR) LIVES – Overcoming Vulnerability: life course perspectives –  and the Bremen International Graduate School in Social Sciences (BIGSSS) are pleased to announce the opportunity for Ph.D. students and young researchers to participate in the LIVES Winter School on Life Course. The course will take place in Bremen from 12 to 18 March 2018.

The LIVES Course Winter School is a one-week intensive program on life course research. Two interdisciplinary workshops (drawing from sociology, social psychology, life-span psychology, social demography, social policy) will take place in small groups of 6 to 8 students. Three to four experts will lead each two different research workshops, with the aim of preparing collaborative articles through a process of learning by doing. The 2018 workshops are:

  1. Social networks, social participation and life transitions: a life course perspective with Eric Widmer (Geneva University), Karin Wall (University of Lisbon), Rita Gouveia (University of Lisbon) and Marie Baeriswyl (Geneva University)
  2. How do values and political orientations develop across the life-span? with Klaus Boehnke (Jacobs University), Regina Arant (Jacobs University), Maria Pavlova (University of Vechta)  and Clemens Lechner (GESIS, Mannheim)

Application deadline: 29th December 2017

Call for Abstracts: SLLS International Conference 2018 “Qualitative and Quantitative Longitudinal Research on Social Change and Its Impacts”, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy, 9 – 11 July 2018

Veja aqui o Call

INSP Annual Meeting 2017 | October 31 | ISCTE-IUL

Veja aqui o programa.

[ISA-RC06] RC06 Joint Conference in Singapore (2018) & PhD Scholarship

deadline para a submissão de resumos para a RC06 Joint Conference (com a RC41) em Singapura, Changing Demography, Changing Families (2018), aproxima-se do fim: 1 de Novembro de 2017.

Mais informação acerca da Conferência, pode ser consultada aqui.

A organização da Conferência, National University of Singapore, também tem uma bolsa interessante de Doutoramento em Family and Population Studies. Ver anexo.

The Centre for Family and Population Research (CFPR) is inviting applications for its research scholarship for PhD candidates. CFPR scholarships are awarded to outstanding PhD candidates interested in completing research on family and demographic topics. Students can be in any department in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Detailed information on the eligibility and application process can be found here.

Call for papers 9th European Society on Family Relations (ESFR) Congress: Families through the lens of diversity

Está aberto o CALL para as propostas de comunicação para o nono Congresso da European  Society on Family Relations que terá lugar no Porto, de 5 a 8 de Setembro de 2018.

Para mais informações, por favor, siga o link: http://www.fpce.up.pt/esfr2018/