[ Informação FPCEUP ]
Educação Contínua FPCEUP: Curso “Viver o corpo I: ampliando o conhecimento e a consciência da nossa existência”
Descrição: formação que pretende proporcionar aos participantes os princípios básicos da prática de trabalho corporal que inclua os princípios básicos da Bioenergética corporal loweniana como “sentir os pés no chão”, a respiração, a vibração e a voz, como elemento essencial da consciência corporal, vida do Corpo e a sua utilidade na área profissional e importância no quotidiano.
Datas: 14 e 21 de abril de 2018
Formadora: Dr.ª Martha Chaves
Mais informações e inscrições: https://sigarra.up.pt/fpceup/pt/cur_geral.cur_view?pv_ano_lectivo=2017&pv_origem=CUR&pv_tipo_cur_sigla=FL&pv_curso_id=15101
[ Informação VAN METER Karl, Bulletin de Methodologie Sociologique ]
Call – 7th GESIS Summer School in Survey Methodology (2-24 Aug, Cologne De)
The program of the 7th GESIS Summer School in Survey Methodology [1] is online and registration is open. The Summer School 2018 will be held from August 2 to 24 at GESIS in Cologne, Germany.
15 courses are scheduled, among them 5 short courses and 10 one-week courses. New to the program are courses on “Pretesting Survey Questions”, “Applied Multiple Imputation”, and “Open Science and FAIR Data”. The courses “Mixed-Mode and Mixed-Device Surveys” and “Web Survey Design” return to the Summer School program after a break.
Here is an overview of the courses on offer this year:
Short courses (August 02 – 03):
* Pretesting Survey Questions (Meitinger/Lenzner)
* Introduction to Data Analysis Using Mplus (Blümke/Lechner/ Danner)
* Research Designs and Causal Inference (Eifler/Leitgöb)
* Introduction to Data Analysis Using Stata (Schunck/Pforr)
Week 1 (August 06 – 10):
* Introduction to Survey Design (Lugtig/ Struminskaya)
* Introduction to Structural Equation Modeling: Confirmatory Factor Analysis with Mplus (Reinecke/Kessler)
* Introduction to Data Analysis Using R (Kolb/ Murray-Waters)
* Applied Multiple Imputation (Geißler/Heisig)
Week 2 (August 13 – 17):
* Questionnaire Design (Fuchs/Metzler)
* Mixed-Mode and Mixed-Device Surveys (Toepoel/de Leeuw/Klausch)
* Web Survey Design (Couper/Schaurer)
Week 3 (August 20 – 24):
* Meta-Analysis in Social Research and Survey Methodology
* Sampling, Weighting, and Estimation (Eckman)
* Design and Implementation of Longitudinal Surveys (Al Baghal/Cernat)
* Open Science and Open Data (Netscher/Perry/Schwickerath)
Thanks to our cooperation with the Graduate School of Economic and Social Sciences, CDSS of the University of Mannheim [2], participants can obtain up to 4 ECTS credit points per one-week course.
In addition to courses, we have prepared a number of plenary and social events including evening talks by experts in Survey Methodology, weekly welcome receptions as well as cultural and social excursions.
There is no registration deadline, but in order to secure a place in the
course(s) of your choice and to book affordable accommodation, we strongly recommend that you register as soon as possible.
Scholarships by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) [3] via CDSS [4] as well as the European Survey Research Association (ESRA) [5] are available to Summer School participants.
You will find more information about the scholarships [6] available on our website.
Please kindly forward this email to other interested parties.
Thank you and best wishes,
Your GESIS Summer School team
GESIS – Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences GESIS Summer School in Survey Methodology
email: summerschool@gesis.org
web: http://www.gesis.org/summerschool [7]
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GESISTraining [8] https://www.gesis.org/en/services/events/gesis-training
[1] http://bit.ly/2018-gesis-summer-school
[2] https://gess.uni-mannheim.de/doctoral-programs.html
[3] http://www.daad.de/deutschland/en
[5] https://www.europeansurveyresearch.org/
[7] http://www.gesis.org/summerschool
[8] https://www.facebook.com/GESISTraining
[ Informação Oficinas Teatro Lisboa ]
Workshop Leituras Encenadas com o actor Manuel Coelho
As Palavras precisam de corpo e os livros precisam de vida.
Palavra na boca, palavra na cabeça e melhorar a escuta.
A partir da leitura expressiva vamos dar voz e corpo às palavras escritas e perceber a força das palavras ditas e interpretadas.
Mais informações em https://oficinasteatrolisboa.com/workshop-leituras-encenadas/