[ Informação FPCEUP ]
Curso “Diagnosticar, Planear, Organizar e Desenvolver a Formação Profissional” | Programa Impulso Adultos PRR
Formação para dotar os participantes de competências técnicas na área da gestão da formação, permitindo-lhes planear, gerir, organizar e efetuar o acompanhamento da formação profissional.
De 29-05-2024 a 21-06-2024 | Candidaturas até 03-05-2024
Mais informações e candidaturas em https://sigarra.up.pt/fpceup/pt/cur_geral.cur_view?pv_ano_lectivo=2023&pv_origem=CUR&pv_tipo_cur_sigla=UFC&pv_curso_id=31501
[ Informação Roberto Cipriani ]
The School provides for the submission of an application for admission.
Final admission is subject to checks on self-certification of admission qualifications and any university careers.
Art. 2 Entry qualifications and number of admitted students
The School is open to graduates and professionals in possession of a university qualification belonging to any class of specialised/master’s degree or an old-school degree of at least four years in the social sciences disciplines.
The maximum number of students admitted to the School is 15, which may be increased to 20. Admitted students are required to pay an enrolment fee of €150 (which includes catering and social dinner; dormitory accommodation is available at €20 per night, located five hundred meters from the Sturzo Institute, where the lessons take place).
Art. 3 Submission of application for admission
The application for admission must be submitted or sent no later than 30 June 2024 to the following address
President of the Luigi Sturzo Institute
Via delle Coppelle 35 – 00186 Rome
tel. + 39 06 6840421 / e-mail: infopoint@sturzo.it
and for information to nstrizzolo@unite.it
The following documents must be attached to the application for admission
1. substitutive declaration certifying the university at which the degree was obtained, indicating the date and grade;
2. curriculum vitae of studies, professional and research activities;
3. list of publications;
4. self-certification of knowledge of the Italian language (for foreigners) and at least one other language of the European Union (for Italians).
Applications for admission delivered or received by the deadline will be considered to have been produced in good time.
Applications submitted with deficient or irregular documentation and those received after the deadline indicated above will not be admitted to the selection.
Under penalty of nullity, the following document must be attached to the application:
– a photocopy of a valid identification document (ID card and other equivalent document according to Presidential Decree no. 445/2000: passport, driving licence, nautical licence, pension booklet, licence to operate heating systems, arms licence, identification cards provided they have a photograph and a stamp or other equivalent marking, issued by a State administration).
Art. 4 Admission of students with foreign qualifications
Holders of an academic qualification issued by a foreign university will be assessed based on the Dichiarazione di Valore (declaration of value) issued by the competent Italian diplomatic or consular representation of the country in which the qualification was awarded. The declaration of value is indispensable for assessing whether the qualification possessed by the candidate is suitable for admission.
Foreigners must present a declaration of value on the spot of the qualification obtained, an authenticated photocopy of the studies completed and a legalised translation of the entire documentation.
Foreigners from countries belonging to the European Union, wherever they reside, or foreigners from countries not belonging to the European Union and legally residing in Italy are required, on the other hand, to apply to participate in the same way as above – within the established deadlines – together with the same documentation required for non-residents.
Art. 5 Period of Activities
The activities of the ALTA SCUOLA INTERNAZIONALE DI SOCIOLOGIA (A. S. I. S.) will take place from 2 to 6 September 2024.
Art. 6 Languages of Activities
The activities of the HIGH SCHOOL OF INTERNATIONAL SOCIOLOGY (A. S. I. S.) will take place in the following languages: French, English, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish.
[ Informação FLUP | Comunicação ISUP ]
(25-29 junho – Porto, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto)
Qualquer pessoa com formação académica e interesse nos temas abordados.
As inscrições estão abertas até ao dia 20 de abril através do formulário: https://forms.gle/ciNgAAQo5ch7A76N9
Mais informações em https://isociologia.up.pt/eventos/3a-escola-de-verao-internacional-do-desafios-da-policrise-imaginacao-sociologica ou em isupsummerschool@gmail.com