With the title Heated identities: differences, belonging, and populisms in an effervescent world, the XI Portuguese Congress of Sociology, will take place in Lisbon, under the local organization of ESPP/ISCTE-IUL and ICS-ULisboa.
Given the developing situation of the pandemic the Portuguese Association of Sociology Board has decided that the necessary conditions have not been gathered for the XI Congress to take place in the previously set dates, June 29th to July 1st.
The Congress will take place at 29 – 31 March 2021 .
Exclusively online.
The submitted abstracts and the evaluation results stand as is.
It will be possible to submit new abstracts without prejudice to those that are already submitted and accepted.
Considering the postponement to the following year, which may be reflected, in some cases, in the need that the authors may have to update data or information, it will also be possible to update the abstracts already accepted, when necessary and relevant to the communication in question. You will soon find the respective instructions on the congress website.
New abstracts that may be submitted as well as those already accepted but that are changed will be subject to evaluation.
Abstract submission new deadline: 20 October 2020
The APS board thanks in advance for your comprehension.
Despite the setbacks we strongly believe we can still manage to hold the Congress with the dynamics and the success of previous editions and for that we are counting on your collaboration.
XI Congress website: https://xi-congresso-aps.eventqualia.net/en/2020/home/