[ Informação RICOT ]

Call for Papers 2020 – International Journal on Working Conditions

A Rede de Investigação sobre Condições de Trabalho (RICOT) informa que se encontra aberto o período de submissão de artigos para o International Journal on Working Conditions (IJWC) para o ano de 2020.

O período de submissão está aberto até 15 de abril de 2020. Mais informações relativas ao processo de submissão de artigos podem ser consultadas no site da publicação: http://ricot.com.pt/PT/jornal.php

No site da revista também pode consultar o último número que foi disponibilizado.


[ Informação Ana Ferreira, FCSH-UNL ]

Coleção “Southern European Societies” (Edward Elgar): recepção de propostas de livros

A coleção “Southern European Societies”, publicada pela Edward Elgar, está a receber propostas de livros.

Mais informações em https://www.e-elgar.com/shop/books?book_series=Southern%20European%20Societies%20series


[ Informação VAN METER Karl, Bulletin de Methodologie Sociologique ]

Call – Childhood + Culture = Socialisation – Dispositions, Categorisations, Reconfigurations (9-11 Dec, Paris)

9-10-11 December 2020,
Centre Georges Pompidou

Call for papers

The Département des études, de la prospective et des statistiques(Ministère de la culture), the CIRCEFT-ESCOL research center (Paris 8 Vincennes Saint-Denis University) and the Centre Georges Pompidou are jointly organizing an international symposium over three days (two research-focused and one professionally oriented), at the Centre Georges Pompidou on December 9, 10 and 11, 2020.

This symposium is designed as a space for discussing and contextualising recent work on the cultural socialisation of children. We shall define childhood according to the International Convention on the Rights of the Child as the period of life between 0 and 18 years of age.
Transdisciplinary and/or comparative approaches will be welcome, as will various social science and humanities approaches, be they cross-sectional, longitudinal or retrospective. Socialisation will be taken in the broad sense, encompassing at once conscious actions aimed at familiarising children with practices and encouraging them to acquire certain cultural habits, tastes and knowledge, and a more diffuse process of impregnation and appropriation, as well as the actions of children themselves in these processes.

The question of cultural socialisation will be approached from four main angles:

1. Age as a social construct and agent. The gradual recognition of childhood as a specific period of life, requiring particular analysis, brings with it the question of how ages are socially constructed (their links, transitions, implicit and explicit models, operationality, various representations according to social class, their transnational transferability, etc.) and also, the gradual construction of autonomy (what is possible to do, alone or accompanied, at each age).
With what content and cultural practices are children socialised according to their age, gender, and social and national contexts, and under what forms of supervision? Are these various cultural contents and practices specifically aimed at children? What effect do children’s practices have on adults in return? Are they more closely associated with legitimate (relating to public or subsidised cultural institutions) or commercial (linked to the cultural industries) outlets?

Conversely, how do these cultural practices, habits and associations influence the social construction of childhood and its sub-divisions? How have the idealist and/or technicist discourses surrounding “digital natives” created representations both of ages and cultural practices? And what social, professional or economic factors influence the age-group divisions in various cultural leisure sectors, from the most institutional to the most commercial?

These kinds of questions require a coordinated analysis of the supply, mediation and reception of cultural goods. What are the cultural dispositions solicited and/or instilled at each age, what are the associated norms, values or even moral codes? And what practices do we try to protect children from, out of fear, or moral panic?

In terms of methodology, it would also be possible to look at the effects of categorisations by age in research work: does it help or hinder the conceptualisation of cultural socialisation?

2. The reconfiguration of cultural socialisation. This first series of questions is intimately linked with a second, relating to the reconfiguration of socialisation in a context where children’s cultural practices can be seen as a path to both autonomy and personal development. The social redefining of childhood goes hand in hand with a redefinition of the forms taken by cultural socialisation and the roles and coordination of its agents. How do broader changes in socialisation (vertical and horizontal, strong/weak family and friendship ties, the renewal of socialisation via digital technology, retro-socialisation of parents by children etc.) shed light on cultural socialisation?

The diverse changes in socialisation environments lead us to rethink the interplay between them and the ways they are combined, substituted and opposed: changing family structures, the rising influence of media and screen consumption, as well as increased emphasis on artistic and cultural education, and the expectations therefore placed on the relevant educational institutions etc. Above all, we wish to invite speakers to interrelate these phenomena: is the increasing importance of socialisation between peers, in particular via digital content from cultural industries and within the framework of social networks, in contradiction with vertical transmissions about more legitimate content supported by educational institutions in the broad sense?

In particular we will look at cultural mediation for children in non-commercial sectors, examining the representations of childhood, approaches and objectives and contrasting them with those of commercial stakeholders (for example, sales and marketing professionals). These stakeholders’ own cultural socialisation (in particular within the family unit) and its influence on their vision of their profession’s ethos and norms could also be examined. Finally, an analysis of the conditions of cultural socialisation could also provide an opportunity to reflect on the way they are understood (in terms of forms of child agency, social constraints, the formation of dispositions, etc.), and to coordinate these analytical perspectives.

3. Socio-cognitive and emotional dispositions elicited by children’s material and immaterial cultural objects. Within the framework of an analysis of the early construction of cultural tastes and dispositions, the aim here is to investigate the dispositions elicited by the cultural objects consumed by children (not limited to objects and content specifically designed for them) and the way in which these objects contribute to cultural socialisation. These dispositions arise as much from the cognitive realm, relating to forms of reasoning, as from the emotional realm, for example, by evoking personal and affective concerns. Approaches analysing the way these two realms interact are welcome.

In this way, an analysis of the characteristics and content of cultural goods themselves could be developed, and juxtaposed with the process of their creation, and the relationship to culture and representations of childhood of those to contribute to this process. In addition, the dispositions developed by children could be explored in relation to the various spheres of socialisation they come into contact with: do children take up the reception schemas associated with cultural goods? Or develop heterodox forms of appropriation (their internal logic and their effects in terms of socialisation could then be described).

Within this framework we will invite speakers to investigate the structural homology hypothesis (formulated for adults), in the case of childhood culture, and the way it is manifested. Can it be applied to the field of cultural production? Can we link the cultural socialisation of cultural producers and intermediaries with that of the children receiving these cultural goods? Do these dispositions (those of mediators and/or children) converge with those elicited by the cultural products?

Finally, exploring the role of cultural objects in socialisation also lends itself to a longitudinal and retrospective perspective enabling the analysis of the genesis of the dispositions observed in adults with regards to culture (the focus must however remain centred on childhood and the construction of these dispositions).

4. Cultural socialisation against the backdrop of political and economic changes in the cultural sphere.

The fourth series of questions relates to changes in the modern world and their effects on forms of cultural socialisation. How has the globalisation of culture influenced the cultural socialisation of younger generations, as opposed to their elders, where do we see flattening and homogenisation or cultural hybridisation and cosmopolitanism? And how can we understand these effects given their manifold and even contradictory nature, depending on the types of cultural practices, content or sectors?

How should we apprehend the various forms of “participative culture” developed amongst younger generations via online technology (such as fan fiction and the performed reviews of cultural goods) and their transformative effects on cultural socialisation, but also on the marketing and/or mediation of cultural works and content? And what representations of childhood do they promote?
The aim is also to deconstruct the broadly shared vision of childhood amongst cultural mediation and marketing professionals, which leads them to prefer participatory reception; playful tools and content; peer reference points, in particular via digital media; themes and references close to the interests and daily lives of children (given the assumption of children’s ethical-practical attitudes); and transmedia approaches.

Finally, we could also examine the growing role accorded to culture by public policy in the education of individuals, with artistic and cultural education often aiming towards socialisation far beyond the cultural (relating to living as a community, citizenship, success in school, personal development etc.).
We will therefore look into institutional stakeholders’ approach to the distinction between “education in” and “education via” culture, as well as the uses of this distinction in education more broadly. These approaches could be analysed as “justification logics”, both in the educational strategies of parents and educators and in institutional policies. We will also look at the impact of the frequent co-existence of different “justification logics” on the meaning attributed by children to cultural prompts, highlighting, for example, how this may create interference between different educational objectives. Lastly, we will be able to contextualise these different logics according to their target audience, looking in particular at the “re-socialisation” function that can be associated with artistic education when it is aimed at children from disadvantaged backgrounds.


– Submission of paper proposals: 12 April 2020
– Selection of paper submissions: May 2020
– Deadline for paper submissions: 31 October 2020
– Symposium dates: 9-10-11 December 2020


[ Informação 8th INT CONG EDUCATION 2020 ]

8th International Congress of EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES and DEVELOPMENT
(22 e 24 de abril – Pontevedra [Espanha])

Los autores de 31 trabajos que superen la evaluación, verán publicadas sus aportaciones en 2020 como artículos en revistas incluidas en la Web of Science.

Se podrán enviar propuestas para presentación de Simposios, Comunicaciones escritas (pósteres) y Comunicaciones orales.

La fecha límite para el envío de trabajos será el 27 de febrero de 2020.

Más información en https://congresoeducacion8.aepc.es/?lang=pt-pt