[ Informação ST Famílias e Curso de Vida / APS ]
Call para a apresentação de comunicações e/ou posters/vídeos | Secção Temática Famílias e Curso de Vida
A ST-FCV é hoje um espaço consolidado e privilegiado de partilha, divulgação e de reflexão sobre o conhecimento e a produção sociológica em torno das famílias e do curso de vida no seio da APS.
Alinhada com o tema do XIII Congresso Português de Sociologia, a ST-FCV convoca a comunidade sociológica a uma reflexão ampla, plural e texturada em torno do modo como a democracia se intersecta com as famílias e o curso de vida. Se por um lado, a democracia é frequentemente apresentada como um contexto sociopolítico que ajuda à compreensão dos valores e das dinâmicas familiares, tanto no que têm de permanência como de mudança. Por outro, a democracia é também percecionada enquanto prática vivida, concretizada, desejada, ameaçada e, eventualmente, contestada. São, portanto, múltiplos os condicionalismos que se impõem, quer a partir “de fora”, como também os que surgem “de dentro”, permitindo observar o modo como nas famílias e no curso de vida, as democracias são permanentemente colocadas à prova no plano individual, familiar, grupal e político. Longe de consensuais, são também os entendimentos do futuro democrático: ora visto como um “palco privado”, “porto seguro”, “plural” e “inclusivo”; ora um espaço de “risco”, “incerteza”, “assimetrias”, tensão” e “efemeridade”. De forma análoga, também as famílias podem ser vistas como espaços democráticos e plurais, bem como espaços de repressão e exclusão, sendo um cenário privilegiado de negociações contínuas entre apoio, solidariedade, liberdade e diversidade, tensão, conflito, controlo, desigualdade e violência.
Quais os contributos da comunidade sociológica para o debate em torno das dinâmicas sociais complexas das democracias que moldam as famílias e o curso de vida, mas que também são moldadas pelos mesmos?
A ST-FCV convida à apresentação de comunicações multi-formato de trabalhos concluídos e em curso que se proponham discutir, de forma mutuamente não exclusiva, os seguintes tópicos, entre outros:
● Famílias, democracia das emoções e políticas da vida
● Famílias “postas à prova”: reaparecimento de soluções autoritárias e proliferação de ideias populistas no sistema político
● Famílias, movimentos migratórios e vidas transnacionais
● Democracias e éticas do nascer, no fim da vida e no processo de morrer
● Riscos, incertezas, (des)igualdades e vulnerabilidades no curso de vida
● Tecnologias, digitalização e os (novos) desafios à democracia nas famílias
● Direitos humanos, identidades e espaços de exclusão e inclusão familiar
● Visibilidades e invisibilidades na construção dos cursos de vida
● Famílias e a democratização do acesso à família, saúde, habitação, educação e emprego
● Vidas à prova em contextos de periferia e de insularidade
● Famílias e alterações climáticas: novos desafios para as democracias
● O futuro da família: novas democracias e utopias em construção.
Convidamos ao envio de propostas de resumos de investigações situadas em contexto académico e não académico em resposta a esta convocatória.
Serão também aceites posters e documentos visuais como curtas-metragens focados em projetos ou intervenções.
As propostas, para além de ensaios teóricos, devem ser formuladas apresentando o seu referencial teórico, os objetivos, as metodologias utilizadas, diagnósticos, resultados e conclusões.
A ST-FCV poderá depois selecionar a(s) melhor(es) comunicações para serem propostas para publicação na revista SOCIOLOGIA ON LINE.
As regras e prazos a considerar para a submissão dos resumos, assim como mais informações sobre o XIII Congresso Português de Sociologia, podem ser consultados no site da APS ou na plataforma do Congresso.
Mais informações e envio dos resumos em https://xiii-congresso-aps.eventqualia.net
Envio de resumos até 14 de outubro de 2024.
[ Informação Divulgação FDUP ]
CALL FOR PAPERS | International Conference
Date: December 03-04, 2024
Venue: School of Criminology – Faculty of Law, University of Porto, Portugal
Within the scope of the SUCCEED – “How is the behavior of others able to shape our own? Community violence and children’s misconduct” and PROTECT-C – “Understanding Protective Factors Against Antisocial Behavior in Socioeconomically Vulnerable Children and Youth: A National Cross-Sectional Study” projects, funded by the Social Observatory – “La Caixa” Foundation, the School of Criminology, Faculty of Law, University of Porto, and CIJ – Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Justice are organizing the international conference “Pathways to Juvenile Delinquency”. This conference seeks to present the results of these projects and foster broader discussions on juvenile delinquency, examining its causes, consequences, and the most effective measures to address it.
Besides the parallel sessions resulting from the call for papers, the program includes two plenary sessions with the following key-note speakers:
Manuel Eisner – University of Cambridge, UK
Izabella Zych – University of Córdoba, Spain
Esther Fernández-Molina – University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
Hugo Gomes – University of Porto
Gilda Santos – University of Porto
Margarida Santos – University of Porto
Thus, we welcome abstracts on a wide range of topics related to juvenile delinquency, including but not limited to:
• Theoretical frameworks and models of juvenile delinquency
• Risk and protective factors for juvenile behavior
• Early intervention and prevention strategies
• Legal and policy approaches to juvenile justice
• Cross-cultural and international perspectives on juvenile delinquency
• Evaluation of juvenile justice programs and practices
Abstract rules:
– Abstracts should be submitted using the form available at the following link: https://forms.gle/wFVUt17AjZ9eyGev8
– All abstracts must include a title, abstract (≤ 250 words), authors, affiliations, and 3-5 keywords.
Important Deadlines:
Call for abstracts: October 15, 2024
Notification Abstract Acceptance: October 21, 2024
Registration: October 28, 2024 (mandatory registration, but no fees required!!!), using the following link: https://forms.gle/vkqUvUopAaHpJWbQ9
Final Program: November 15, 2024
General information
We are delighted to welcome you to the conference, even if you are not presenting.
For further information, please contact us at: escolacr@direito.up.pt / +351 222041600
[ Informação FLUP | Comunicação ISUP ]
Call for articles – Sociologia | 31 october
Sociologia – Revista da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto is preparing its last issue for 2024 and is pleased to invite you to participate in the next edition, which will be published by the end of December. Articles are accepted in Portuguese, Spanish, French and English.
Articles must be submitted on the journal’s platform (https://ojs.letras.up.pt/index.php/Sociologia/about/submissions) by October 31, 2024.
1. Texts are accepted in Portuguese, English, French or Spanish languages. Authors must indicate the nature of their text: articles, reviews, research notes, and bibliographic essays.
2. The texts must include the respective authors, indicating the following aspects: name; institutional affiliation (department, college, and university/institute to which they belong, as well as the city and country where the institution is located); e-mail; telephone/mobile contact; mailing address (preferably institutional address; in the case of co-authored articles, there must be only one corresponding author).
3. Texts must be written on A4 pages with standard margins, 1.5 spaces, Times New Roman font, and size 12 in Word for Windows or compatible format. Footnotes must be written in 10 font sizes and 1.15 spacing. The exact spacing must be used in the tables, registered with font size 11.
4. The maximum size limit for articles is 12,000 words, including abstracts, keywords, spaces, footnotes, bibliographic references, tables, graphs, figures, and photographs. Book reviews must be at most 1,000 words; the research notes and bibliographic essays should be 3,000 words.
5. The full title of the text must be presented in Portuguese, French, Spanish, or English. The article must be accompanied by an abstract of 100 words (maximum), written in each mentioned language, and three keywords.
6. Tables, graphs, figures, and photographs must be reduced in number, identified with continuous numbering, accompanied by the respective titles and fonts, and presented in black and white or grey shades. These elements cannot be wider than the body of the text. The Editorial Board reserves the right not to accept non-textual parts whose realization implies excessive graphic difficulties or increased financial costs.
7. The texts must indicate the sources and references of a different nature regarding non-original elements. If there are intellectual property rights, authors must request the corresponding authorizations. Sociologia, Revista da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto is not responsible for breaching intellectual property rights.
8. Bibliographic references and citations will be included in the body of the text, according to the following presentation: Berger (2014), Berger (2014: 35), and Berger et al. (2008).
9. Only numbers should be used in footnotes. The numbering of notes must be continuous from the beginning to the end of the text.
10. In the articles, it is suggested to use a maximum of two degrees with Arabic numerals.
11. Quotations must be presented in the original text in that language and between quotation marks. Words in languages other than the text language must be in italics.
12. The final bibliography should include only references cited or mentioned throughout the text. Bibliographic references must comply with the following guidelines:
a) Book with one author: LUHMANN, Niklas (1990), Essays on self-reference, New York, Columbia University Press.
b) Book with more than one author: BERGER, Peter; LUCKMANN, Thomas (2004), The social construction of reality: a book on the sociology of knowledge, Lisbon, Dinalivro.
c) Book with more than four authors: Siblot, Yasmin, et al. (2015). Sociologie des classes populaires contemporaines. Paris: Armand Collin.
d) Book chapter: GOFFMAN, Erving (1999), “The order of interaction,” in Yves Winkin (ed.), The moments and their men, Lisbon, Relógio d’Água, pp. 99-107.
e) Article in periodical publication: ASTOR, Avraham; GRIERA, Mar; CORNEJO, Mónica (2019). «Religious Governance in the Spanish City: Hands-On Versus Hands-Off Approaches to Accommodating Religious Diversity in Barcelona and Madrid. » Religion, State, and Society, 47 (4-5): 390-404.
Article in an online periodical publication: FERNANDES, António Teixeira (1991), “Forms and mechanisms of social exclusion,” Sociology, Journal of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto, vol. I, pp. 9-66, [Consult. to 15.07.2014]. Available at: http://ler.letras.up.pt/uploads/ficheiros/artigo3031.pdf
g) Online publications: PRESIDENCY of the COUNCIL of MINISTERS (2011), Program of the XIX Portuguese Constitutional Government, [Consult. to 15.07.2014]. Available at: http://www.portugal.gov.pt/media/130538/programa_gc19.pdf
h) Communications at scientific events: QUINTÃO, Carlota (2004), “Third Sector – elements for theoretical and conceptual reference,” in V Portuguese Congress of Sociology. Contemporary Societies: Reflexivity and Action, Braga, University of Minho, 12-15 May 2004.
i) Theses: CARVALHO, Paula (2006), Paths of construction in Lisbon. From the Monumental Cine-Teatro to the Monumental Building: Case Study, Degree Thesis in Sociology, Lisbon, Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, New University of Lisbon.
j) Legislation: Law No. 147/99, of 1 September, Law for the Protection of Children and Youth in Danger.
13. Bibliographic references should be placed at the end of the text and ordered alphabetically by the author’s surname. If there is more than one reference with the same authorship, they must be requested from the oldest to the most recent.
14. The Portuguese texts must comply with the Portuguese Language Orthographic Agreement since January 1, 2009 — however, citations of texts before the agreement must respect the original orthography.
15. The originals must be submitted to the platform https://ojs.letras.up.pt/index.php/Sociologia/about/submissions or sent by email to: revsociologiaflup@letras.up.pt
Privacy Policy
The names and addresses in this magazine will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication. They will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.
The article submission confirmation link must be sent to the journal’s email (revsociologiaflup@letras.up.pt).
We would like to thank you for sharing this call with your colleagues and academic institutions.